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NYS Hunter Education Homework: Prepare for Your In-Person Course and Test


Make your learning about hunting safety fun and easy by taking an online hunter education course at Hunter Ed works with IHEA-USA, more than 35 state agencies, and industry partners to develop approved and recognized online hunter safety courses. With a safety course, hunters of all ages can become more successful and ethical hunters.

Persons at least 12 years old who buy a hunting license in New York need to pass a New York Hunter Safety course, unless they can prove they previously held a license. After completing the course, you must sign up for a Hunter Education Course. Become a safer hunter today!

nys hunter education homework

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Hunter Education Program staff are not in the office every day. For prompt service, email us ( Please do not call and leave a voicemail if you have access to email; this will help prevent delays in service.

The Hunter Education Program teaches future hunters and trappers how to be safe, responsible, and ethical. After successful completion of a hunter education course or a trapper education course, students will receive a certificate of qualification necessary for purchasing a first-time hunting or trapping license. Bowhunter education and waterfowl hunter education courses are also available.

All in-person courses are free and taught by DEC-certified instructors. Although primarily offered for first-time hunters or trappers, anyone is welcome to attend a Hunter Education Program course, whether it is for a refresher, you have an interest in the topic, or you took the online course and want hands-on experience.

Bowhunter Education - Required in addition to the Hunter Education course (above) when using a bow and arrow to pursue deer and bear only (not crossbow). If bowhunting for other wild game, this course is not required but recommended.

Certificate Requirements in Other States and Countries: To verify whether a New York State Hunter Education Certificate is accepted elsewhere, visit the International Hunter Education Association (leaves DEC website) to find certificate restrictions and requirements in all other states and countries. Many states and countries will require you to show your hunter education certificate and will not accept your hunting or trapping license as proof of a certificate.

Due to COVID, staff are not in the office every day. For fastest service, email us ( If you do not have email, call 1-888-HUNT-ED2 (1-888-486-8332). Please supply your name, date of birth, type of course you took (hunter education, bowhunter education, trapper education, waterfowl hunter education), and when and where you took the course. Certificates dated earlier than 1980 cannot be found or replaced. If you need a certificate and yours cannot be found, you will need to retake the course.

All other hunters are not required by law to wear fluorescent orange while hunting in New York. However, DEC highly recommends ALL hunters wear a fluorescent orange hat, vest and/or coat while hunting small game or big game.

Hunter orange, also known as fluorescent orange or blaze orange, should be worn to make a hunter more visible and prevent other hunters from mistaking them for an animal, or shooting in their direction.

Hunters who wear hunter orange are seven times less likely to be shot. For example, during the past ten years, not one person who was wearing hunter orange was mistaken for game and killed in New York. On the contrary, big game hunters who were involved in firearm-related incidents were not wearing hunter orange.

In 2020, DEC investigated 13 tree stand incidents. One of the incidents was fatal. All 13 incidents involved a hunter who was not wearing a harness or the harness was not attached to the stand or the tree at the time of their fall. The proper use of tree stands, full-body harnesses, and lifelines will help to prevent these injuries and fatalities.

Hunting is a physical sport. Every hunting season is marred by hunters who suffer heart attacks and strokes. Walking while carrying gear, spotting, and shooting at a deer and dragging a carcass can cause more stress than the heart can handle. That's especially true if you are not physically active, smoke, have high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, or other health problems. It is a good idea to start building up your endurance before hunting season. But you don't have to train like a marathon runner. Any activity that gets you moving around, even if it's just 30 minutes each day, can start strengthening your heart and lungs so you can have a safe hunting season.

Seven of the nine HRSIs that occurred last year were two-party firearm incidents, and two were self-inflicted. All nine hunters were experienced. All of the incidents could have been prevented if hunting safety rules had been followed.

There were ten elevated hunting incidents (EHIs) reported in 2021, including one fatal. EHIs involve hunters who fall from tree stands or elevated platforms. Only one of the ten hunters who fell in 2021 was wearing a safety harness, however the harness was not attached to the tree when the hunter fell.

Complete a Hunter Education Program Instructor Application (PDF) to join other volunteer hunter and trapper educators. Your participation helps teach and continue the American heritage of responsible and safe hunting and trapping. If you submit your application electronically you should receive a confirmation email reply within 48 hours. If you do not receive a confirmation please call to confirm that we received your application.

Generally, a hunter education course does not qualify you to obtain a pistol permit in New York State. Please check with your county clerk's office or county sheriff's office for more information regarding pistol permits.

The NY Hunter Education course (Hunter Safety course) is required to purchase a hunting license in New York. The course covers the necessary safety techniques and responsibilities that a hunter must know when using a gun, muzzleloader, crossbow or bow to pursue wild game.

1. The completion of homework prior to attending an in-person course. Proof of completed homework must be brought to the in-person course. The homework can take several hours to complete.

Due to COVID, most DEC offices are closed to the public. Call the office if you need to pick up course materials. Find a DEC Wildlife Office near you.You can also request a hard copy be mailed to you by calling1-888-486-8332.You must bring the completed homework worksheet to your in-person course.

You can complete all the requirements to earn a NYS hunter education certificate online. Any New York State resident age 11 or older can take the online course. If you successfully complete the course, and pass the final exam, you will receive your NYS hunter education certificate.

1.) Standard hunter education course - Read, listen, and watch. You can read the course material or have it read to you. A number of engaging videos help you learn safe hunting practices. The cost of the course is $24.95 and can be found at hunter-ed website (leaves DEC website).

Students must complete the required homework, attend all sessions of the course, demonstrate proper attitude and safety, and pass a final exam of 50 questions. After successful completion of the course, students will receive a Hunter Education Certificate of Qualification, which is required for purchasing a first-time hunting license in New York State.

A two day hands-on program (PDF) for the purpose of introducing 12-16 year olds to the basic principles of conservation, hunter education and general outdoorsmanship. Participants who successfully complete the program will receive their Hunter Education Training Certificate. This program is available each spring. The 2023 program will take place on April 15 and 16, 2023. Applications must be received by Wednesday, April 5 at 5 p.m. To apply for the program, complete the Application for Youth Conservation Program (PDF).

The NYS Bowhunter Education course is required for hunters who use a bow and arrow to hunt deer or bear. While this course is not required for hunting deer with a crossbow, or for using a bow and arrow to hunt small game or turkey, DEC encourages you to take this course to learn bow and tree stand safety techniques.

Register for a Bowhunter Education Course (leaves DEC website). You must attend the entire in-person instruction portion of the course on the date(s) and at the location indicated on the course schedule listing.

The Today's Bowhunter Manual and Bowhunter Education Homework Worksheet can be pickedup at most DEC Wildlife offices or may be available for pick up at other locations asspecified in the instructions given when you register for a course.

Find a DEC Wildlife Office near you.You can also request a hard copy be mailed to you by calling 1-888-486-8332.You must bring the completed homework worksheet to your in-person course.

Students must complete required homework, attend all sessions of the course, demonstrate proper attitude and safety, and pass a final exam of 40 questions. After successful completion of the course, students will receive a Bowhunter Education Certificate of Qualification, which is required in addition to a hunting license or hunter education certificate for purchasing a first-time bowhunting privilege in New York State. 2ff7e9595c


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