use transmac if you are on windows. just finished burning iatkos on my windows 7 machine an hour ago. installer booted so i'm back oin windows to get the rest of my files to another hdd, get the hardware IDs then goodbye windows (hopefully)
Iatkos Ml2 Iso Direct Linkl
Iam new to this forum and I saw this discussion and I wanted to share a tip that if you want to access a mac then install virtualbox and load iatkos directly from the .dmg file. It will solve your MAC needs! (It worked for me).
Another important thing is that any newer OSX system wont even boot on APIC IDs that are 11 or less. And QEMU-KVM 0.14.1 reports APIC=0x11. But no worries, it is open-source after-all and a simple patch can fix this which I will show further on. So what we need is to download a proper QEMU-KVM version from here: or direct download
Macosx Retail: recomended untuk yang mahirMountain Lion 10.8.2 Mavericks 10.9.0 link torrent Mavericks 10.9.0 direct link By Foursquare Yosemite 10.10 DP1 *beta all direct - torrent linkYosemite 10.10 DP2 *beta link By dkumYosemite 10.10 DP3 Build 14A283o *beta link By dkumYosemite 10.10 DP4 (Delta/Combo update) Direct LinkYosemite 10.10 DP5-DP6-DP7 (Delta/Combo update) Direct or Torrent LinkNote: Os X retail (Masih Original Dari Apple), metode bikin instaler menggunakan software berikut, tool ini hanya berjalan di mac.Latest Myhack support 10.7.x - 10.8.x - 10.9.xLatest Unibeast support 10.7.x - 10.8.x - 10.9.xMacpwn v1.4 Yosemite support 10.10.xKlik Disini Untuk Lihat Caranya >>==================================================================Macosx Distro: recomended untuk pemula,Versi Campur >>>iatkos v7, s2v3, L1, L2, ml2 iso/dmg single link by papagembulMountain lion 10.8.x >>>iatkos ml2 10.8.2 intel (iso for dvd) iatkos ml2 10.8.2 intel (dmg for usb fd) link torrentniresh's 10.8.2 intel/amd (iso for dvd) niresh's 10.8.2 intel/amd (dmg for usb fd) link torrentniresh's 10.8.5 intel/amd niresh's 10.8.5 intel/amd link torrentMaverick 10.9.x >>>niresh's 10.9.0 amd/intel iso (dvd version) niresh's 10.9.0 amd/intel dmg (usb fd version) link torrentniresh's 10.9.0 amd/intel (iso for dvd) direct Link By Foursquare Note: File Dibagi Menjadi 2 Versi Khusus User windows.File Dvd Versi : pembuatan installer dengan dvdFile Fd Versi: pembuatan installer dengan Flashdisk (Tidak berlaku untuk user mac , file iso/dmg sama2 bisa pake fd/dvd)==================================================================Combo Update : macosx 10.8.5 update combo macosx 10.9.2 update combo macosx 10.9.3 update combo macosx 10.9.4 update combo ==================================================================Tools Buat Bikin InstallerWindows user:Transmac v10.4 HereWin32diskimager HereMac user:For Distro use Disk utility ==================================================================Custom Kernel:Read First > Penjelasan-Kernelosx10.8.4 Haswell/ Ivy Bridge-Eosx10.9.0 Haswellosx10.9.1 Haswellosx10.9.4 HaswellSelebihnya Cari Disini ==================================================================Bootloader versi Mac-Chameleon-svn 2.2 r2266svn 2.2 r2380 svn 2.2 r2380 support osx10.10svn 2.2 r2391 support Haswell Cpu-Clover-standart using MBR disk :uefi using GPT disk : clover v2850Chameleon (windows user) (burn ke dvd / Bikin bootable ke flashdisk pake xboot / add ke boot manager windows dng easybcd)Chameleon Svn 2.1 r2069.isoEasybcd 212Download XbootTutorial Bikin chameleon bootloader via windowsLink 4*shared sensor > silahkan lihat url dan hapus tanda bintang================================================================== Terima Kasih Atas Kunjungannya Tinggalkan Komentnya dan Klik Iklannya ==================================================================
Install Method:Vanilla ML (10.8) booted with Chameleon 1820, with patched OSInstall.pkg (for MBR), installed directly on the SSDFix the Yukon 88E8056 by editing the PNPID inside the IONetworkingFamily kextUpdate to 10.8.2 via SW-Update online
Sorry but I have a clean 3 tb drive without windows, so no multiboot, and after creating the pendrive as described it doesn't boot, the only step that I not follow is regarding the slice because I don't understand where I have to add this line...because I have no multiboot, If I install clover directly on my mac installation why It does not works?